Summer 2015

We spent the summer in denmark, and made small excursions in the country. We had a great summer, but it was a lot of hard work, and the boys enjoyed our time spend together.


Claus and his father took the boys for a sleep over on the boat. They sailed in 20 m/sec and the boys didn't have any problems with that. They had a great time all of them.

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We went for a day to Moen to meet up with the two cousins from Herning. All boys had a wonderful day, where we went to the white cliffs on Moen.

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Vordingborg Castle

Together with Grandmom and Jens we went to Vordingborg Castle. It was very cold, but an extreemly good experience. The interaction with the Ipads made the history part soo interesting for the boys.

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